A non-governmental organization (NGO) holding Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)
The number of students currently studying in about forty thousand primary schools / ibadetayi madrasas is about 50 lakh. The reality is that most of them are now children of low-income families. A lots of orphans also remains in the field. With the sincere cooperation of the Government of Bangladesh, a large number of students are studying with free books without pay. These students need a variety of learning materials to develop their talents. With an initiative of Alhaj Shamsul Hoque Foundation, an educational materials distribution program was held at Kanjar Para Government Primary School in Nhilla of Huaikong Union, a remote area of Teknaf on February 06, 20220. Engineer Muhammad Nasir Uddin, Chairman of the Foundation was present as the Chief Guest at the function presided over by Mr. Abdul Gaffar, Headmaster of Kanjar Para Govt. Primary School. That day, geometry box, the necessary notebooks, the pens, the little ones were overjoyed to see. In addition, fun chocolate has added a new dimension to this happiness. Such programs will continue in the remote areas of Bangladesh at the initiative of the ASH Foundation by the grace of the Almighty.