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A non-governmental organization (NGO) holding Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)


Sewing Machine Distribution


Sewing Machine Distribution

On 2nd December, 2018; the distribution of sewing machines for women\'s self-reliance with free medical services was held. At the same time, to encourage poor students in education, distributed school bags, paper, pen. Around 300 people were benefited from this camp held at Patia Pagazi Para of Chittagong district yesterday. With a free diabetes, HBsAg and blood group examination, a group of dedicated BGC trusts led by Dr. Ashik gave their sincere healthcare. Engineer Mohammad Nasir Uddin Chairman of Alhaj Shamsul Hoque Foundation\'s said that the local community members were encouraged and happy to be present at the campaign. The residents requested that this type of program should held be again. Many people do many things for the dead people peace. Sister, who is reluctant to disclose the name, has funded the program yesterday, hoping to help in future such a program for the in-laws of the father-in-law. May Allah forgive them for their sins.The foundation employees and the volunteers in the area as well as all those who cooperate may Allah give them reward for their works.